Plumas Lake Jr. 2005

Tournament Years

2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Tournaments  2005

CJG Tour- The Bridges Plumas Lake Jr. 2005 Jekyll Island 2005 U.S. Kids World Championships 2005 Salinas Little Peoples 2005 Sacramento Sr Jr 2005 Tokay Jr. Classic U.S. Kids Golf 2005 Foxtail 2005 Oakmont jr 05 Saratoga Little Peoples 2005 Livermore City 05 Corena Green 2005 Pat Campbell jr05 DUDE open 05 Davis GC 2005


Plumas Lake CC Junior / Optimist International Junior Qualifier - The First Tee of Sacramento- Marysville, CA- June 20, 2005

Awesome !!!!!  Casie participated for first time in an Optimist qualifier even though at 9 she was one year too young. It was held in conjunction with TFTS Plumas Lake CC Junior. It seems we have all exorcized the 3 putt demons only allowing participation on one hole. Casie's play in the month of June has improved greatly and this tournament is no exception. As a result for the first time this year was the Girls 12-14 year old Champion in an TFTS . This tournament  was  a great deal of fun and the golf course was in great shape.  Congrats to all

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Copyright ©  2001-2005, Harry Cathrea